
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease in which the bronchi are inflamed, making it difficult for air to pass through the airways.

Other pathologies

GEMA 5.3. Guía Española para el Manejo del Asma. Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica. 2023.
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Nemours KidsHealth. Desencadenantes del asma. Available at: https://Kidshealth.Org/Es/Parents/Asthma-Triggers.Html [accessed: september 2023].

The Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health. (2016). CÓMO EL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO AFECTA AL ASMA [brochure] published october 2016 [accessed: september 2023]. Available at:
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American Lung Association. (n.d.). Being Active with Asthma. Available at: https://www.Lung.Org/Lung-Health-Diseases/Lung-Disease-Lookup/Asthma/Managing-Asthma/Asthma-and-Exercise [accessed: September 2023].

Price, O. J., & Simpson, A. J. (2023). Exercise and asthma – trigger or treatment? Respiratory Medicine, 213, 107247.

The American College of Allergy, A. & I. Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB). Available at: https://acaai.Org/Asthma/Types-of-Asthma/Exercise-Induced-Bronchoconstriction-Eib/ [accessed: September 2023]

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AJ Hospital & Research Centre. WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF ASTHMA? [online] published May 2023 [accessed: June 2023]. Available at:

Pediatría Integral. Asma: educación sanitaria, autocontrol y medidas preventivas. Available at: https://www.Pediatriaintegral.Es/Numeros-Anteriores/Publicacion-2012-03/Asma-Educacion-Sanitaria-Autocontrol-y-Medidas-Preventivas/ [accessed: September 2023].